Sunday, August 15, 2010

Moving day anxieties..

As time passes and August 29th nears I am finding the excitedment of the move building enormously but also the anxiety. It's not that I am worried or sad about leaving my current apartment, but I am worried about leaving my currently huge apartment for something about half the size. The condo I am moving into is somewhere between 500 and 700 square feet, where as my current basement suite is 1000 square feet.. Honestly I have been obsessing over apartment decor blogs all weekend.

Obsessing as I have, I actually drew out a rough floor plan with an idea of where things can go, but I still have 3 book shelves, an end table, and a place for my sewing machine to fit in somewhere.. I have already sacrificed a kitchen table and a desk for bar stools at my kitchen counter.

If anyone reads this and wants to send some helpful decor blogs my way, it would be greatly appreciated!

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